At the beginning of summer, a new cozy restaurant named “Torero” opened in the heart of Riga. The design of the space was initiated by the same individuals who came up with the name of the restaurant. The interior exudes a tranquil atmosphere, while at the same time being unconventional due to the extraordinary ceiling design. Textile elements in various tones and rhythms enhance the furnishings. The client’s directive was to create a new space identity with relatively simple and economical means, while respecting the existing interior – including the bar and ceilings – and this has been successfully achieved. One striking feature is the paintings by the artist Ilze Preisas, depicting Spanish motifs. Shelves and the bar counter are crafted from solid birch wood, from which a touch of the wood’s soft fiber has been gently removed.

Authors: Gundega Anderosne, Jolanta Shaitere

Customer: Restaurant “Torero”

Paintings: Ilze Preisa

Carpentry works: Nomoda Design

Textile: curtain workshop “Rabata”

Photo: Nora Vrubļevska

Address: Lāčpleša street 52/54, Riga

Year: 2016